Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My baby...Round one

I attended my 20 year high school class reunion last weekend. I feel like I'm still young, but boy have I changed....and boy how my oldest friends in the world have changed too! Funny how time flies when you're havin' fun....

This post is pretty bitter sweet for me. I've been out of high school for 20 years while my oldest babe is headed into her last year of high school. She has no clue. Life will flash before her eyes and before anyone knows it she will be attending her 20th reunion! Ugh.

When we got back from Cedar Falls, Alli and I went out for round one of her senior portrait session. Lucky her....her mom's a photog so she can go out as many times as she wants! And....if we have as much luck as we did this time out, we will in no way, shape or form be able to decide what to print! My goodness, she is beautiful.

In color....

In black & white....

One of my favs of the day....

Wait....I love this one....

Oh, my...black & white is even better....

Serious pose.... :0)

Just plain cute....

Bein' silly....

Honestly, my favorite shot of the day....

Or wait....this one is my favorite of the day! Ugh!

So, as you can see, round one was a success. Looking forward to capturing every other idea and location and outfit we have!! Don't care what you say, my baby is GORGEOUS!!! She really needs to stop growing up. :0(

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