Thursday, April 23, 2009

One more prayer....

Seems like there are so many things to pray about these days. If I sat down and prayed about them all at once I'm fairly confident my foot would fall asleep long before I was done! The best part of that??? God wants us to talk to Him all the if we forget something we just bring it up when we remember. NOTHING like having someone to talk to whenever you want.

We learned last night in our 5th grade Grapple class about how God is everywhere, all the time. It's really very simple, and at the same time, a very hard concept to grasp. And I say simple if you look at it from a child's perspective and don't muck it all up with adult thinking!

How can God be everywhere? How can He be fully and intently listening to you while fully and intently listening to me at the same time? I know, right? More than one voice at one time gives me a very large headache, but not God! And that's the "magic"....while He is deeply and fully in love with each and every one of us, He is, at the same time, fully and deeply committed to walking with me every second of every if I am the only one on earth. And how stinkin' cool is that?!?

I stopped asking how and why some time ago. I've given in to the fact that I'm not meant to understand it all. My job is to just have faith and go to Him whenever and as often as possible.

Easier said than done, I know.

Anyway, I have a friend who is not in good health. She really hasn't been for as long as I have known her and she is the unlucky one who has had to deal with so many scary health issues. She is my age and a momma to two young kiddos. She is an awesome person, loves the Lord and genuinely has a heart of gold. Today she is in the hospital as doctors remove fluid from her lungs for the second time in 6 weeks. While they are in there, they will be removing some swollen lymph nodes and try to determine why they are swollen.

I ask that you pray for Jean (I affectionately call her Jeano) and her family. I know that God has her health and future already figured out so what can our prayers really do you may ask? is my "un-trained", regular person opinion that our prayers spring forth faith. They let God know that we are paying attention, that we love Him, that we seek His will and guidance and that we trust in His plan while at the same time they give us something to DO when we have no control over our surroundings. Take it or leave it, it's what I believe.

One more prayer request: I follow a blog (MckMama) that millions of others follow as well. She is a momma, also my age, dealing with the very serious health issues of her youngest son (he is 5 months old). Doctors told MckMama when she was pregnant with Stellan that he would not survive outside her belly.....Remember? I just said he is 5 months old! :0) He has a very serious heart condition and she writes very honestly about what they are going, being away from her hubs and other children who are in Minnesota while she and Stellan are in Boston. THROUGH IT ALL....she believes God will do what He says He will do. I ask that you pray for Stellan and his family. They need to be lifted up in prayer.

And you just never know what one more prayer might do....

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." ~ Philippians 4:6


Billy Coffey said...

I stopped asking how and why a while back, too. Isn't it much better now?

Prayers for Jeano, and for little Stellan.

And you really don't know what just one more prayer can do. Which is all the more reason to keep praying...


Anonymous said...

Miracles are born out of prayer. My are being lifted for Jeano and Little Stellan too. Thank you for writing about them. Peace and Blessings...