Thursday, April 16, 2009


It's CRAZY. I'm shocked, flattered and THRILLED. I'm feeling a very strong urge to jump up and down, scream and holler and just totally act like a very over-excited 4-year-old right now!

You probably will think this is silly but I just saw that my blog and website are featured on I's silly but can I get a WOOT, WOOT?!?!?!

Mr. David Rupert from Red Letter Believers posted about me....little old me and my blog post titled "Reflections". I started this blog to document my photography and it has turned into a place where I can be real....with ME. If anyone else gets anything out of it that's totally cool, but it is really for me to learn, reflect and grow. To know that someone else appreciates my words, my long, weary road traveled and my heart lying fully open and exposed is flabbergasting. It brings me soooo much joy to know that my heart change may in some small way bring help to another and at the same time bring glory to God. It is, once more, God showing me how He can make good from yucky things. all I have left to say. Wow.

OH.....and WOOT! WOOT!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." ~ Romans 8:28


Billy Coffey said...

I'll give you a WOOT WOOT!! That's a great honor, and you absolutely deserve it.

I've been appreciating your words for a long, long time.

Frisbies Forever said...

WOOT WOOT! I am most impressed by the road you are traveling now. They will be too, once they get to know you even better.

Red Letter Believers said...

It was an honest post...and that alone is worth a vote in my book! Happy I could highlight you.


Jennifer @ said...

It was a great post, and I was so delighted to see that it was featured at High Calling Blogs. Your vulnerability and honest is now blessing many others! Thanks for your willingness to share. Sometimes it can be hard to put yourself out there, but God is using it this week! Well done, good and faithful servant.