Last Thursday was a crazy night. Carli had her first indoor soccer game, I had a meeting at church to wrap up our "Whyi Art Fair" and then Carli had her 3rd grade music concert. Just figures that I was to be in three places at the same time....thank God Alli can drive. (I CANNOT BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT!) She took Carli to her indoor game while I went to church then we all met at the school for the concert. I was tired before the day even began. Typically have a day like this once a week and I while I wouldn't trade it for the world, it wears me out!
Anyway, Carli's concert was titled "Shhhh...we're writing the Constitution". Can you guess what it was about? :) It was really more of a play! Kids with tons of lines and actions moves and about 8 songs to sing...and it all took only 45 minutes! It was very good too.
SIDE NOTE: Carli....being the youngest....has been blessed with many talents. The kid can do anything with just a few quick trys. Makes Taylor nuts....since she's like me and we need to try and try again and even then we still don't always know how to do things. Anyway, on top of Carli being a pretty good soccer player, smarter than the average 4th grader (yes....she's in 3rd grade), the little stinker can sing. And I mean sing. She can dance and sing at the same time even (although most of you will never see that side of her....she's just goofy like that at home). Where she got it? Musta been the mailman. :)
So....she had a signing part....second verse of "America the Beautiful" with 3 other girls. It was awesome. Goose bumps awesome.
Here are some pics of Carli at the concert. I was quite a ways away from the stage so lots of "red eyes". They look like evil possessed children....probably the ones that live in the corn across the road from my house. Ugh. Why do I do that to myself! Now I'm not gonna sleep tonight! :) Oh well. Enjoy!
Carli is the middle know. The good lookin' one. ;)

This one shows that she has on her soccer "slick" pants, soccer socks and tennis shoes. We did a good job pulling this together with what we had!

Shhhh...they are writing the Constitution!

Solo (with three others so what is that a quartet???)...she is stinkin' NERVOUS. And she is NEVER nervous!!!

Up close....she made a comment about the house lights....up too high so she could see the parents. She did NOT like that.

Thought the flags a flyin' was pretty cool....

After the concert posin'....she loves to have her picture taken.

Ok...I do have other children and I will post about them soon if they get off the couch and DO SOMETHING. hint, hint. ;)
JC is my BFF....