Monday, April 12, 2010

Doing God's work....


So our church has a "Spring Clean" campaign currently in the works. Basically its a way for our church to get out and bless those in our community with spring cleaning types of chores. Families can also volunteer to clean up our own church building and/or church grounds. My family chose to clean at our church. It's a huge building with a large parking lot and to be quite honest, sometimes in an effort to help others, we forget to help "ourselves". Not being selfish or anything, but often times people are so gung ho to get out in the community that they fail to see how they can be a blessing at home....just be the blessing where the blessing is needed. Know what I mean?

This past Saturday Mark and I and the girls spent the afternoon cleaning up the parking lot of our church and digging the landscaping rocks out of the grass from the snow plows this winter. I have to say, the amount of sand used this winter to keep our parking lot clean was amazing! And OMG...we probably hauled 8 tons of landscape rocks back to where they belong. (OK...maybe not 8 ton, but a LOT of rocks were moved! I'm just sayin'!)

While picking up those rocks, we laughed and joked and seriously enjoyed our work and that time together as a family. Our backs were sore and our hands were hurting, but doing God's work isn't always glamorious or easy. It changes you, though. Honest.

Taylor found a cool, heart-shaped rock. Carli had dirty hands. This is the combination of the two....

Our God is just so good. He can change even the hardest of hearts if you are willing to dig in and do a little work.


Frisbies Forever said...

LOVE IT! We did that too, and it is AMAZING, the difference as you care for His house, the reverence that changes in your own heart and the greater respect and appreciation you have. FYI I am so excited, I lost 50 lbs. now. I feel so much better. I may just try one of those half marathons just to see if I can, not bad for 3 months. On to the next challenge!

Billy Coffey said...

I swear Click, you take the best pictures in the world. That was a great post.